Matthew 26:14-27:66
This Sunday we will distribute the reading of the Passion Narrative of
St Matthew's Gospel amongst various readers. It's not because we can
find no one energetic enough to do the whole thing him/herself. Nor is
it the Rector's latest collectivist plot to distribute work
and privileges across the widest possible community of people. It is
simply a very old tradition that the historical participants in the
Passion of our Lord were people
like us and that we should reflect our own involvement in the story -
even our own implication in the events surrounding the betrayal, the
denial and the crucifixion of Christ.
Odd? A bit of a downer? It has been one of the darker sides of Christian history that we wonder aloud whose fault it was
that Christ was betrayed, denied, rejected and crucified. We divide up
characters into friends and enemies - distribute white hats and black
hats. It was the Romans, it was the High Priest, it was the Jews, it
was Judas. Those whose misfortune it has been, across the years, to be
at odds with an ascendent Church, a Christian prince or at odds with
whichever faction of the Church was doing the choosing found themselves
cast in the role of those deserving punishment from below and from
It has provoked, historically, violence by Protestants against
Catholics, by Catholics against Protestants, by Christian rulers and
ordinary Christian townsmen against Jews, by Crusaders against Muslims -
the list goes on.... Who today would we cast into the role of Christ's
The Gospel writers are at pains to express to us how Jesus was
essentially alone at the time of his crucifixion. His mother and St
John are present but the rest of his coterie are soldiers and
thieves. The Galilean Springtime is over. The happy crowds which
accompanied him through the gates of Jerusalem have scattered. Judas
has betrayed him, Peter has denied him. The other disciples are laying
low. The Gospel writers, in the power of the Holy Spirit, look across
the ages at us to let us know that it is human nature which conspired
against God's work and effected these events. The story continues to be
the story of what God has himself done on behalf of a guilty humanity.
It is not the story of a few who were discovered, in the end, to be
And so we take our parts. We are that disciple who betrayed his master
and snuck out into the night. We are that disciple who denied his
Saviour, not once but three times. We are the crowds who were there one
moment and then nowhere to be seen when the fancy struck them. We are
that mid-level Roman bureaucrat who cynically put expediency above
right. It is not them.
There is no them.
It is us.
We are Pilate, Judas and Peter.
We are the crowds.
This Sunday we take our parts.
Reading Genesis 6 in Prison
Out at the prison we were working our way through Genesis and got snagged
on the opening verses of Genesis 6:
When man began to multiply on the face of t...
18 hours ago